Summary of After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre
Philosophy Tony O'Connor Philosophy Tony O'Connor

Summary of After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre

The Enlightenment project for morality has failed. The limited expertise of our governing elites cannot justify the vast power they claim. And navigating a way out of our current societal malaise requires us to resurrect an older form of morality. That is a crude albeit faithful summary of …

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Ch. 3: Introducing Metasophism
Philosophy, Politics Tony O'Connor Philosophy, Politics Tony O'Connor

Ch. 3: Introducing Metasophism

When one glances back at the disaster for Europe that was the twentieth century, who are the prime candidates for blame? A straightforward mind would blame the Communist and Fascist ideologies for the havoc they wreaked upon Europe. The logical conclusion could be that all extremist ideologies, defined as anything that deviates from…

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